Sunday, October 6, 2013



Today I have decided to revive a blog that used to belong to a 14 year old me into this. 10062013 will mark a new beginning for this blog with a new concept. I have no idea what came over me as I decide to do a food blog. I guess I got inspiration from website like "hungrygowhere" and stuff like that because every time when I want to find out what places to have my meal at, websites like those don't really give me what I want. So I figured, why not do a food blog on my own since I have my own personal opinion and preference to share too? 

As a first post, I thought maybe I should do a little introduction of myself. I am currently an 18 year old student. I love cooking and baking (most probably where my love for food comes from. haha). I guess thats about it. Blogpost on food will be coming up soon 

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